How can I get the most from a get together?

Leave your notebooks in your office. Keep your pen in your pocket. Switch off your laptop. This is a chance to practise your spoken English in a fun and friendly environment without needing to take notes or debrief.

And you certainly can’t learn a language without making errors. During the Get Together activities, don’t worry about perfect sentence structure or the exact word to use. Nobody’s perfect! The key goal is to get your idea across so that the others understand it. Dare to speak!

As in real-life situations, you will have the chance to converse with people who could have lower or higher levels than you. Get Together is an opportunity for us all to learn from one another and to help each other along if necessary.

Each Get Together activity will be led by an English Partner. The English Partner’s role is to facilitate discussion, ensure even participation and provide guidance and feedback when necessary.

You will be speaking in small groups so it is important that everyone gets the chance to contribute. Do respect the speaking time of each person and try to avoid interrupting or talking over people.

Each “theme” is really just a starting point for a discussion. Feel free to suggest your own ideas for themes at any stage, either during the activity or via the feedback section of the online interface.

Notes and comments will be made available to you via the Get Together interface after each session. Do consult this “Post-session document” for your own reference.

Feedback is an important part of the Get Together project. After your session, do take time to log on to the interface to give your evaluation of the session and to make any suggestions that you might have for future activities.

The more people that attend Get Together activities, the better! If you find the activities interesting and useful, let your colleagues know!

Please let us know if you are interested in becoming an English Partner and helping in organising and leading different activities.