Can I change the navigation language of the e-learning platform?
How much time will I need to complete the e-learning? Will the amount of time increase as the training progresses?
Can I prepare the e-learning for upcoming meetings in advance?
Is it possible to access my previous training courses?
Grammar Rules & Dictionary
How can I consult a grammar rule ?
Is a bilingual dictionary available?
Completing Exercices
Is it possible to do redo an exercise?
Can I finish my e-learning after the visio meeting?
Is it possible to see the answers to the exercises?
Are my answers saved?
I don't understand an exercise, what should I do?
I can't hear the audio linked to an exercise, what should I do?
I can't see the video linked to an exercise, what should I do?
My exercise #4 is blocked, why can't I click on it?
Specific Vocabulary
The contents of my specific vocabulary doesn't suit me, is it possible to change it?
My colleague has "specific vocabulary" but I don't. Why is that?
Consolidation Exercises
What is a consolidation exercise?
Are the consolidation exercises required?
Can I have more grammar exercises?