====== Schedule & Organisation ====== * [[en:planning:chez_moi|Can I do my training from home?]] * [[en:planning:fiche_dispo|How can I update the availabilities sheet I filled out online? (blended learning training)]] * [[en:planning:change_timeslot|The time slot selected is no longer convenient for me, is it possible to change it for the rest of my training?]] * [[en:planning:add_meeting|Can I add in a meeting that's not at my usual time?]] * [[en:planning:faster|Can I have 2 meetings a week as to finish my course quicker?]] * [[en:planning:slower|The rhythm of the course is too fast for me, is it possible to have a meeting every other week?]] === Rescheduling, Postponing, & Absences === * [[en:planning:reschedule|I am unable to attend a telephone meeting, how can I reschedule it?]] * [[en:planning:rescheduling_delay|What is the latest I can reschedule a telephone meeting, without being marked absent?]] * [[en:planning:nb_reschedule|How many times can I reschedule a telephone meeting?]] * [[en:planning:holidays|I'm going to be on holiday or travelling for work, thus out all week & unable to attend a meeting, what do i do?]] * [[en:planning:report_a_valider|What does it mean when I see “to be rescheduled” on my schedule?]] * [[en:planning:make_up|I was absent for a meeting, can I make it up?]] [[en:start|{{ :fr:general:home-faq.png?&40 }}]]